Dominique Novelli Selected for EQAO Student Advisory Committee

Dominique Novelli Selected for EQAO Student Advisory Committee
Posted on 06/27/2018
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Dominique Novelli

Dominique Novelli will have input into informing Education Quality and Accountability Office's (EQAO) testing for future students. He has been selected to participate on the EQAO Student Advisory Committee in the fall. Novelli will be joining other students across Ontario to share feedback and ideas about how EQAO can improve assessments, programs and student engagement.

In May he completed an online application process in response to a call for applications by EQAO inviting students across Ontario to apply to be on the provincial committee.

"I am excited to be selected to join the committee," said Novelli. "I want to contribute to meaningful conversations about EQAO testing to ensure future success and stronger learning strategies are put in place for students."

Recently completing his Grade 11 year, Novelli has experience with the testing. He has completed EQAO testing in Grades 3, 6 and 9 and has also completed the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.

"I know the provincial testing causes a lot of stress for students and some of the feedback I would like to give is to construct the tests to make sure that students are well prepared to take them."

Michelle Sawa, Principal of St. Thomas Aquinas High School is pleased with the news. "This is an honour for both Dom and St. Thomas Aquinas High School. He will do a great job representing students in the North. He is well-spoken and works hard academically and continues to demonstrate thrive and commitment to his education. He stands out as a leader at all times."

Novelli was recently elected by his peers to represent students at the Boardroom table. Along with Grade 10 student Clareynze Ceria, he will be a Student Trustee for the 2018 - 2019 School Year.

"I think it's important that students have a voice on the EQAO Advisory Committee because it's important to be involved in our learning," said Novelli. "Students need to be heard and this Committee will give us the opportunity to come together and give our feedback and opinions on our learning."

EQAO's Student Advisory Committee is a new group that helps foster a two-way conversation between Ontario's students and the agency. The Student Advisory Committee is a unique forum for students to share ideas and experiences.

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