Student Trustees Announced

Posted on 05/21/2024
Student Trustees AppointedBenjamin Favreau and Javan Ura

The Kenora Catholic District School Board (KCDSB) is excited to announce the appointment of the Student Trustees for the 2024-2025 school year. After a successful election at St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Javan Ura was selected by his peers as the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) Student Trustee, representing students at the Boardroom table. Benjamin Favreau will continue in the role for a second year. Their term, approved by motion at the May 21 Board Meeting, will commence on August 1, 2024, and run until July 31, 2025.

Student Trustees Presenting
Joshua Pitt, current Student Trustee, introduced Ura during the May 21 Board meeting. "It is with great pleasure that I introduce newly elected trustee Javan Ura. Javan is a Grade Eleven student at St. Thomas Aquinas High School. He’s incredibly talented in music and the arts and devotes himself to fulfilling his potential in his classes. For as long as I have known Javan, I’ve known a kind, gentle, and caring person. I’m confident that Javan will thrive in this capacity and provide a valuable perspective to the Board meetings."

Javan Ura expressed his enthusiasm for the role, "I'm interested in becoming a Student Trustee because I am dedicated to inclusivity and understanding and feel a responsibility to help improve the education community in any way that I can. I am also grateful for this opportunity and will try to do my best at all times."

Benjamin Favreau, who will be serving alongside Javan, is equally excited about the upcoming year. Together, they will bring fresh perspectives and represent the student body at St. Thomas Aquinas High School.

Chair Teresa Gallik expressed her gratitude towards the new Student Trustees, saying, "The Board of Trustees is delighted to welcome Javan and to continue working with Benjamin as our Student Trustees for the upcoming year. Their dedication and commitment to their education and peers are truly commendable. We eagerly anticipate their contributions, knowing that their insights and perspectives will shape KCDSB. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to our outgoing Student Trustees, Joshua Pitt and Jesse Peterson, for their exceptional service and dedication over the past year. We believe in our students and know that their Catholic education has prepared them well for continued success and meaningful contributions in their future endeavours.”

The Student Trustees will officially begin their duties in the fall with a Rite of Commissioning. Their responsibilities will include presenting monthly reports at Board Meetings, representing student voice, and participating in special projects for the Board.

Teresa Gallik remarked, "The KCDSB is confident that Benjamin and Javan will be exceptional role models and leaders, contributing significantly to the Board's mission of Growing, Investing, Engaging, and providing excellence in Catholic education."
JAvan, Jesse, Joshua and Benjamin
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