Students from the Class of 2024 Talk About Their Transition Plan to High School

Students from the Class of 2024 Talk About Their Transition Plan to High School
Posted on 03/21/2018
Students in caps and gowns

At the March 20th Board Meeting, trustees got to hear a presentation from students representing the class of 2024. The students talked about the initiatives, activities and events St. Thomas Aquinas High School offers to support students in transitioning from elementary school into high school.

Grade 6 students, Cole Mitchel from École Ste-Marguerite Bourgeoys, and Login Bowlin and Wonara Hatharasinghaege from Pope John Paul II School provided a report on the transition plan for Grade 7 students. St. Thomas Aquinas High School teachers Katie Jackson and Lauren Penner were part of the team.

Students from St. Thomas Aquinas High School Here is what the students had to say:

Wonara: "This year we had the chance to partake in different activities at St. Thomas Aquinas High School to help make next year easier. Before Christmas, a team of STAHS staff came to all the elementary schools to let us know what we were going to participate in this year. In November, the Grade 6 students had their Volleyball Jamboree at STAHS. When we had a break from playing, we got to check out the shop, watch Mr. Straight blow stuff up in the Science Lab and make cookies in the Culinary Arts Kitchen."

Cole: "On Friday, we will have our Basketball Jamboree and this time we get to play STAHS. Ms. Derouard and the staff at STAHS have events planned for us during our break as well. In January, every Grade 6 class went up to STAHS for the afternoon to partake in their exploratory classes. We all picked our top two choices and went into those classes and participated with the Grade 7 and 8 students who were in the class."

Logan: "In April we will have a group of teachers from St. Thomas Aquinas High School come to our classes and give us a presentation about the different activities and programs that we can participate in next year. In May and June, we are going to the high school to watch the vocal show and drama production and participate in StreetFest."

Cole: "We are excited for tomorrow night when STAHS has their open house event. It's another chance for us to check out the school, talk to staff about different programs and events that the school participates in. We get to hear about what the first day of school is going to look like next year and ask all the questions we want."

The three students ended their presentation with a fun cap toss into the air!

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