St. Thomas Aquinas High School Alumnus Recognized as “Best in Class”

St. Thomas Aquinas High School Alumnus Recognized as “Best in Class”
Posted on 09/17/2017
Eric Sundmark

Eric Sundmark, a graduate student from St. Thomas Aquinas High School, is leaving his mark in athletics in men's volleyball and he is excelling in the classroom at Douglas College where he is currently taking Business. He was recently featured by the Pacific Western Athletic Association as "Best in Class." You can read the article here: PACWEST Best in Class: Eric Sundmark

The KCDSB caught up with Eric for a short interview:

How did your education at St. Thomas Aquinas High School prepare you for Douglas College and your achievement in sports?

Eric's Answer: At St. Thomas Aquinas High School, there is a high standard set when it comes to grades. I believe my group of peers set the bar even higher than usual. My close peers and I balanced three sports and a full course load. In addition, on top of the school sports, I participated in a club volleyball program out of Winnipeg through the winter months. I believe going to St. Thomas Aquinas High School and playing sports helped prepared me for my first year of college. The understanding was family comes first, school second, and sports third. The teachers did a great job preparing us for the transition between high school and post-secondary education. They taught me the importance of time management and remaining organizing. At the end of the day, education is the most important part of being a student athlete.

What advice would you provide to students at St. Thomas Aquinas High School?

Eric's Answer: A committed multi-sport student-athlete has the opportunity to do something great at St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Playing sports in Northwestern Ontario is hard with all the days out of class, all the road trips, and all the hotels. I must say though; I would not have changed my experience for the anything in the world. I would tell students not to take the opportunity for granted. I got out of it what I put into it, and because of that, I was able to be recognized as a Best in Class athlete in the PacWest league. The teachers at the school push the students to be the best that they can be. The teachers are always there for the students and will never hesitate to help the students when they are struggling. The teachers at St. Thomas Aquinas High School want their students to succeed.

Eric graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas High School in the class of 2016.

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Trina Henley
Executive Assistant to the Director & Communications Officer
p: 807-468-9851
e: [email protected]

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