Over 30 Parents Attended the Raising Confident Readers Session

Over 30 Parents Attended the Raising Confident Readers Session
Posted on 02/23/2018
arents Attended the Raising Confident Readers Session

Dallis Novelli - Raising Confident Readers SessionOver 30 parents attended the Raising Confident Readers Parent Information Session at Pope John Paul II School on February 22nd. The session was tailored to families with children in Kindergarten through Grade 2, and provided tips and strategies on how to make reading fun and engaging.

George MacNeil, a parent from Pope John Paul II School, attended the session and talks about what he found valuable.

"I found the session informative and took away a few new ideas on how we can make reading fun for our boys. I learned a few do's and don'ts and appreciated the concept that it's a partnership between educators and parents in raising proficient readers. We are going to be checking out the Epic Digital Library."

George MacNeil - Raising Confident Readers Session Dallis Novelli, Curriculum Coordinator for the board, led the session and was pleased with the turnout. "It was great to spend the evening with this group of parents. This session was an opportunity to affirm some of the things parents are already doing at home and give them a few more tools and strategies. After reading all of the feedback forms, I'd like to make this an annual event, as there is a lot of interest in continued learning."

At the end of the session, families were provided with free books, resources as well as a bookmark with the top ten tips for raising confident readers.

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