Meet St. Louis School's Four-Legged Teaching Staff

Meet St. Louis School's Four-Legged Teaching Staff
Posted on 12/19/2017
Ella and Zip

ZipOver the past five years, St. Louis School has been tapping into the health benefits, comfort and support of their four-legged friends. The school has integrated dogs into the school's ongoing culture and school life. The school has had a dog or two on staff to visit with students, provide comfort and be a reading buddy. St. Louis School teamed up with It's a Dog's Life to bring puppies into the school during EQAO testing for students to play with to calm their fears and anxiety related to the provincial testing. They also implemented a Dog Trick Club, where students meet once per week on their lunch breaks with Fergie and her owner to learn new dog tricks. The students' then get homework where they teach the tricks to their dog and family members.

"It all started with Havoc five years ago," explains Tammy Hanstead, School Secretary and Havoc's owner. "Havoc loved the students and coming to school. He would listen to their stories and knew what each child needed from him. He had a list of students that he would see and he would use his calming energy to relax students and make them laugh when they were sad."

"The most important aspect of a comfort dog is that they must have a calm and stable temperament, a love of children and be content with being petted and handled in crowded, noisy situation," says Tammy.

Sadly, St. Louis School's beloved Havoc passed away from Cancer in 2016, but his legacy lives on through Zip and Fergie who continue his work by visiting the school and spending time with students. Comfort dog Zip visits the school one afternoon per week and sees nine students during that time. She has 19 students on her roster for 2017 school year.

"The health benefits of dogs in schools is well documented," says Sue Devlin Mental Health Lead for the Board. "Petting a dog and interacting with a dog has been showing to reduce blood pressure, improve social skills and increase self-esteem. It also teaches children empathy, compassion and respect for other living creatures. It's amazing how the dogs can create relationships and their empathy, patience and compassion goes a long way. I'm proud of the program and the benefits it has had for our students."

St. Louis School plans to continue their Comfort Dog Program and Dog Trick Club. Zip and Fergie provide a positive influence on the school's culture and are part of the team.

Havoc and Jewel Student reading to dog

The program began in 2012 with St. Louis School's beloved Therapy Dog, Havoc.

Havoc was loved and respected by students and staff for his patience, kindness and innate ability to know just what the children needed, whether it was comfort, love or just a patient listner.

Students giving treats to puppy Students playing with puppy

Thanks to a parntership established with It's a Dogs Life, St. Louis School has been bringing puppies to the school during EQAO testing.

During EQAO testing the puppies provide a fun, and playful distraction from the anxiety of the provincial test.

Ella and zip Students taking picture with Zip

Zip has 19 students from St. Louis School on her roster. She visits the school once per week and works with your students.

St. Louis School has had their four-legged friends part of the school faculty for over five years. Staff and students can't imagine their school without dogs.

Dog Trick Club Bell Fergie

Students at St. Louis School have the opportunity to join the school's Dog Trick Club. They meet once per week and work with Fergie learning new dog tricks.

Each week the students get a homework assignment. They get to teach their dog the trick they practiced at school with Fergie.

Related Links:

UCLA Health - Animal-Assisted Therapy Research Findings

Business Insider - Why every school should bring dogs into the classroom

Harvard Medical School - Therapy dog offers stress relief at work

University of Guelph - Therapy dogs coming to campus to help ease exam stress

Global News - Therapy dog ease student stress during exams

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