Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week (2017)

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week (2017)
Posted on 11/19/2017
Stop Bullying

Ontario has designated November 19 - 25 to encourage students, staff, and parents to promote safe schools and learn more about bullying and its effect on student learning and well-being.

A safe, inclusive and accepting school environment is key to student success. The Kenora Catholic District School Board is committed to providing safe, healthy and welcoming learning environments for all students.

While KCDSB schools engage in bullying awareness and prevention throughout the school year, we recognize that this week is an important opportunity to raise awareness in our local school communities. It is important to note that everyone has a role to play in bullying prevention. Students, parents, teachers and school staff are encouraged to work with their Safe Schools Teams, Mental Health Champions, school and student councils and community partners to promote and facilitate strategies and awareness.

Click here to learn about activities happening during Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week:

St. Thomas Aquinas High School

Understanding the definition of bullying

Bullying is typically a form of repeated and aggressive behavior that is intended to cause fear, distress and/or harm to another person's body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. It can take many forms. Bullying can be physical, verbal, social, written or electronic, also known as cyber-bullying.

Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the perpetrator and the victim. This is often based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, economic or social status, religion, ethic origin, gender, race, disability or the recipient of special education.

When you suspect your child is being bullied

It is important to listen to your child, and assure them that talking about the situation is not tattling. If your child confides in you, speak first to your child's classroom teacher. You can also contact the school principal. You will be provided with every opportunity to work with your school to make an effective plan to deal with bullying behavior. Review our Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan to learn more about the resources available.

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