From the Boardroom - June 20, 2017

From the Boardroom - June 20, 2017 PRESENTATIONS
Posted on 06/21/2017
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Minister's Student Advisory Council


Minister's Student Advisory Council Appointment for 2017 - 2018
Phyllis Eikre, Director of Education, presented that Grade 9 student Jackson Clarke from St. Thomas Aquinas High School was selected to be on the 2017 - 2018 Minister's Student Advisory Council. There were over 480 applicants across Ontario. Jackson will be one of 60 students who will form the council and inform Minister Mitzie Hunter on matters related to education in their schools. Click here to readBoard Members more about Jackson's appointment.


2015 - 2020 Capital Plan
Andrew Poirier, Manager of Operational Services, provided a report on the 2015 - 2020 Capital Plan. Poirier presented that the revised plan reflects the Board's commitment to capital improvements, upgrades and enhancements to St. Louis School of approximately $1.76 million over the next three years. 

Board Members

2017 - 2018 Budget
Alison Smith, Superintendent of Business Services provided a presentation on the 2017 - 2018 budget. Smith presented that the board has a projected enrolment of 1,426 students which is a slight decline in enrolment from previous years. The board is also observing an accumulated surplus of $46,000 for the 2016/17 school year. The 2017 - 2018 budget is in compliance with Ministry of Education requirements.

Borrowing Resolution
The trustees passed a motion to accept the Borrowing Resolution withBoard Members the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for $3,000,000 for the board's operating line of credit. In her presentation, Smith shared that the board is currently using $0.00 of this operating line of credit. The funds have been used from time to time to manage temporary differences in cash flows or to manage short-term finances of small capital projects.

Child Care Partnership with Kenora Association of Community Living/Kids' Zone Child Care Center
Tammy Bush, Early Years Lead and representatives from Kids' Zone Child Care Center, Tammy Zurchan and Aimee Foucher, provided a presentation on the partnership to open a Kids' Zone Child Care Center at Pope John Paul II School. The 16-licensed child care spaces will be available for preschool children ages 2.5 to 3.8 years of age in September 2017. Click here to read the full Child Care Partnership Announcement.

School Council and Catholic Parent Involvement Committee Reports
Phyllis Eikre, Director of Education provided the trustees with a copy of each school's year-end school council reports for the 2016/17 school year. The reports can be found on each school's website.

Special Education Annual Review
Phyllis Eikre, Director of Education provided a presentation on the Special Education Annual Review and the changes that have been made to the Special Education Manual. The trustees passed a motion to accept the 2017 amendments and forward the package to the Ministry of Education.

Report on the 2017 CCSTA Annual General Meeting
Phyllis Eikre provided a report on the 2017 Canadian Catholic School Trustees' Association Annual General Meeting. The Trustees and Director attended the conference in Niagara Falls on June 1 - 3, 2017. The theme of the conference was "Growing Together in the Vineyard of Christ." This year's CCSTA Annual General Meeting integrated a never-before-done partnership: a French and English school board came together to co-host the three-day event. Click here to read more about this conference.

Special Presentation
Frank Bastone, Chair provided a special presentation to Mary Cunningham, Superintendent of Instructional Services, thanking her for her years of service to the Board of Trustees. Frank Bastone presented Mary with an engraved school bell. The June 20th meeting was Mary's last Board Meeting before her retirement in August 2017.

Student Trustee Report
Student Trustee Jieren Bornia provided her final report as the student trustee for the 2016 / 2017 school year. Jieren reported on the notable accomplishments, humanitarian activities and events happening at St. Thomas Aquinas High School during June. You can watch Jieren's June report here:
Jieren introduced Matthew Favreau as the incoming student trustee. Matthew will be taking over the role of Student Trustee for the 2017 / 2018 School Year.

Frank Bastone presented Jieren with a plaque recognizing her contributions as Student Trustee for the 2016/17 school year.

Next Board Meeting
The next Board Meeting of the Kenora Catholic District School Board is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19th at 7:00 p.m. from the Catholic Education Center. Jieren Bornia will be introducing the new student trustee for the 2017/18 school year. Everyone is welcome to attend.
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