Student's Christmas Greeting Receives Top Marks!

Student's Christmas Greeting Receives Top Marks!
Posted on 12/16/2015
Barry Kraynyk's Grade 11/12 Communications and Technology ClassEmily - 2015 Christmas

Barry Kraynyk's Grade 11/12 Communications and Technology Class at St. Thomas Aquinas High School was hired by the Kenora Catholic District School Board to design the 2015 Christmas Greeting. This is the 4th year that the board has 'hired' the class to design the Board's Christmas greeting.

Emily Moncrief's Christmas Greeting design got top marks when it was judged by a team at the Kenora Catholic District School Board. Emily's design will be used to represent the Kenora Catholic District School Board as the Board's 2015 Christmas Greeting. Emily's greeting will be sent to school boards across the province, the Ministry of Education and the entire KCDSB community. It will also be inserted in the Kenora Daily Miner and News and posted on the board's Facebook and Twitter sites.

Emily talks about her design and what she learned through the process, "when I was designing my Christmas greeting I was thinking about the concept of Christ being the light of the world so I designed my greeting using candles and other light elements. It was neat because I got to experience what it's like to be a graphic designer and have clients counting on me to meet deadlines. I really enjoyed the project."

Student's Christmas Greeting Receives Top Marks Jamey Robertson, Innovation and Creativity Coordinator and Trina Henley, Communications Officer and Executive Assistant to the Director teamed up to judge the designs and provide feedback to the students. The students were told that their designs had to reflect the Board's Catholic values, the true meaning of Christmas and honor the visual identity guide for the Board.

Teacher Barry Kraynyk talks about the project, "I wanted this project to feel as authentic and real as possible for my students so they can bring everything that they have learned together. This project also allows them to experience what it's like to create a design and work with a client, in this case the Board. Designing the Christmas greeting for the board is the culminating project for the class and it's worth a percentage of their grade."

There were also two runners up that received recognition for their designs. Sydnie Bryan and Sarah Moncrief both received $50 gift cards for their designs. Emily Moncrief will receive a $100 gift for her top design.

Sarah Moncrief (runner up)

Sydnie Bryan (runner up)

 Runner Up greeting card Runner Up greeting card
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