Catholic Graduate Interview

Catholic Graduate Interview
Posted on 06/27/2016
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On June 23rd the class of 2016 graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Seventy-nine students from St. Thomas Aquinas High School threw their caps into the air and are now headed off into the world in many different directions.

Daniele Phillipow and Elyssa Woodbeck shared the role of Valedictorians at the graduation celebration and delivered the speech together. We caught up with them to capture their thoughts in an interview for Catholic graduates.

Q: What are a few of the highlights of your time spent at St. Thomas Aquinas High School?

Elyssa - Highlights would probably be the vocal shows. I loved being a part of those and I'm so happy that Mr. Ura made a part for corn sections because I played the alto saxophone. It was cool to be a part of that. Making music and being on stage and putting on a show for people. Another thing that stood out for me was probably when I did 'crew' for the plays when I was in grade 7 and 8. It was so cool to be around the grade 12's in the play. And I looked up to them so much. I liked how kind they were to you and they made me you feel like they wanted you to be there.

Q: Did that experience make you want to be a kind graduate to your younger peers as well?

Elyssa - Yah, I definitely looked up to them and wanted to become who they were and become role models for the grade 7 and 8's now.

Q: Daniel can you think of a few highlights of your educational career at St. Thomas Aquinas High School?

Daniel - I'd say that any time spent with friends would be a highlight. This year we had our first colour run at St. Thomas Aquinas High School. That was such a fun time and just so many laughs and memories were made.

Q: How has your Catholic Education influenced you?

Daniel - I'd say that our Catholic Education taught me how to respect others in a way that I normally wouldn't realize. It helps me to become a better person. The people around here are all so nice.

Elissa - I think that it kind of just helps me become more of a well-rounded person. The values that I was taught at school and how the focus wasn't merely just on academics and doing well. People actually cared about how I was and wanted to shape me to become who I am today and send me off into the world as a kind and caring human being.

Q: From a student's perspective how would you describe Catholic schools as being unique or different?

Elyssa - As I said before in how it's shaped me. I think that is how Catholic schools are unique. They care about who you are as a person and they are trying to shape you to become a kind and caring person. And my Catholic education pushed me outside of my limits and outside of boundaries on where I felt comfortable and got me involved in everything. The school took everybody's talents whether they shined in arts or academics and made people aware of that and made them feel special for what they can do and what they were good at.

Daniel - I'd say that just with things that Catholic schools hold, like masses and all that, it shows you where to participate and kind of pushes you to do something that you wouldn't normally do. By doing so you are able to be more involved. Mr. Woodbeck our Chaplain will ask you if you want to do a reading and it pushes you to do something that you wouldn't normally do.

Q: What will you miss most about St. Thomas Aquinas High School When You Leave?

Daniel - I'd say the friends that I've made. Because we are moving all in different paths and I'm not sure who I'll be in contact with and what kinds of friends I'm going to make in the future.

Elyssa - I will definitely miss friends as Dan said. But I think I'll also miss the fact that teachers knew who I was and I'd walk down the hallway and be able to say 'hi' to so many people. Going away to university won't be the same. I can't know everybody because there are way too many people. So I like the sense of family almost, where everyone knew me and I knew so many people. The real sense of community.

Interview on Good Morning Sunset Country with CJBN TV

The valedictorians were also profiled on Good Morning Sunset Country with CJBN TV. In this video they talk about what their plans are after graduation as well as what pieces of advice they have for their younger peers. You can watch their interview here:

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