Students Make Dreamcatchers for Newborn Babies

Students Make Dreamcatchers for Newborn Babies
Posted on 02/02/2017
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Students at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in the Anishinaabemowin class are making dreamcatchers for newborn babies at the hospital. The class recently delivered the dreamcatchers to the hospital for the new babies.

Ainsley Redsky, grade 9 student, talks about the meaning of the dreamcatchers.

"The good dreams go right through the dreamcatcher, and the bad dreams get caught in the web. The slightest movement of the feathers indicates the passage of yet another beautiful dream. Bad dreams cannot find their way through the web."

The project is part of an initiative to celebrate new life and build cross-cultural relationships. The school plans to continue the dreamcatcher initiative by making 250 - 300 dreamcatchers per year.

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