Celebrating Our Time with Sister Maria Ciccarelli

Celebrating Our Time with Sister Maria Ciccarelli
Posted on 06/24/2016
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Sister Maria CiccarelliEvery so often a person makes an impact on those around them and in our case that person is Sister Maria Ciccarelli. Sister Maria is retiring on June 24th from the Kenora Catholic District School and has provided 29 years of dedicated service to the board. She is retiring from the role of Religious Education Coordinator but has also been a friend, mentor and a spiritual guide to many.

Sister Maria came from Italy with her family in 1955 when she was in Grade 2 and settled in Montreal, Quebec where she attended Catholic school.

In 1966 She entered the Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.

In 1969 she was sent by her order to Manitoba along with five other Sisters to attend one year at Teacher's College at the University of Manitoba. Following this Sister Maria then completed her Bachelor of Arts degree while she was teaching by working on her degree on weekends and evenings.

In 1975 Sister Maria took her final vows.

Sister Maria taught in Manitoba for 15 years and took her Masters of Theology at St. Michael's College at the University of Toronto and after graduation she came to the Kenora Catholic District School Board. Sister Maria came to Kenora in September 1987 for one year and she has done one year at a time now for the past 29 years.

Sister Maria has been a gift and a blessing to the students, teachers and the entire Kenora Catholic District School Board Community as well as to the Parishes of Notre Dame and St. Louis.

On behalf of everyone at the Kenora Catholic District School Board we would like to take a moment to thank Sister Maria for all the gifts she has shared with us and wish her a retirement filled with peace, love and an abundance of grace.

Interview with Sister Maria

Before Sister Maria's retirement we asked her for an interview:

Q: You have dedicated so much of your life with us here at the KCDSB and to Catholic education. Why is Catholic education so important?

A: When I entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary I was drawn to a community of sisters that was established for Catholic education. Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, from St. Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, founded our religious congregation for the education of young girls who otherwise would have had no education. I truly believe that our young people deserve the best of a wholesome education that empowers them to grow in body, mind and spirit. In Catholic education we, as educators, strive to provide our young people with excellence in all areas of learning in the light and truth which God has revealed in Jesus Christ. Hopefully, they will come to know that they are unconditionally loved by God and precious; that no matter what difficult times may come their way in life, God is always there for them; and that they are gifted and called to use those gifts to build a better world of justice, peace, and hope.

Q: What are a few highlights of your vocation with the KCDSB?

A: Teaching religious education to the students at SMB every morning for twenty years was a real privilege for me. Children are truly the most precious gift that God entrusts to us. Their trust and openness of heart and eagerness to learn were simply delightful. Working for a good number of years with Sister Ruth McLaren, ssnd, in providing sacramental parish meetings for the parents/sponsors of students who desired to celebrate First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation both at Notre Dame and at St. Louis parishes… Running the Additional Qualification Courses in Religious Education for our teachers for over a dozen years on Friday evenings and Saturdays … with some truly dedicated and wonderful instructors…particularly Msgr. Pat Stilla, Father David Creamer, SJ, and many others who were truly qualified and committed to education in the faith. Meeting so many great and dedicated resource people who were invited as keynote speakers for our system staffs spiritual development days and retreats throughout the years. Working with our teachers in sacramental workshops, preparation for school liturgies, and in-servicing of new/revised religious/family life education programs…Working with some wonderful pastors like Fr. Rudy Manaloto, OSA, Msgr. Roger Bazin, and Fr. Albert Lafrenière, OMI; as well as trustees, administrators, and teachers….

Q: Can you think of a project that you've completed over the years that you are most proud of?

A: The one that comes to mind is…..providing in Kenora for over a dozen years the AQ Courses in Religious Education on Friday evenings and Saturdays for our system staffs.

It took much energy and commitment to run the courses while working full time.

Q: What are you looking forward to most with your retirement? What are your future plans for the next few years?

A: Except for some sabbatical time, I do not know exactly where God is leading me to minister… All I know is that I need to let go and trust the Lord. God has never failed me in the past … and God will surely be faithful in years to come…

PERHAPS … perhaps in a parish where there is need…perhaps visiting the sick and shut-ins…perhaps working with refugees…SO MANY POSSIBILITIES…

Q: What will you miss most about the KCDSB?

A: I will miss my ministry with KCDSB … and the people I have come to love and cherish…I will miss my friends and parish…I will miss beautiful Kenora right on Lake of the Woods…

Q: If you could leave us with some final thoughts what would you like to tell us?

A: Like the third commandment that tells us to "Remember" as if sometimes we tend to forget … I would like to say:

Remember: to make Jesus Christ the heart and soul of Catholic Education…

Remember: to be responsible stewards not only in "keeping our Catholic schools" for future generations, but especially in "keeping our schools Catholic" in identity, practice and decision-making particularly in the face of new challenges that try to divide and destroy us from within.

Remember: that we are here first and foremost for our students…our young people entrusted to us…and that they have a right to Catholic education in our Catholic schools…

Remember: to render support and appreciation to our priests…and not only seek their services…

Remember: that you are precious and deeply loved by God; that God is "merciful and gracious, abounding is steadfast love and faithfulness"; that it is important to build communities of faith in our schools and offices by forgiving one another, recognizing the goodness in each other, praying together, lifting up each other's burdens and being compassionate, spending time together…

Group at sister Maria's retirement celebration Sister Maria's family
Sister Maria with 2 fellow principals Sister Maria with a friend
Sister Maria with 2 students Sister Maria
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